2017 BPOY Awards
Business Person of the Year Awards
Antonia Beauvoisin-Brown - Managing Director of KidooLand was the winner of the prestigous RBC Business Person of the Year 2017 Award while Nicholas & Barbara Basalgete - Co-creaters of Badaboom was selected by the Jury as the Start Up of the Year 2017. Due to the very high standard of Nominees for this year's awards the Jury also Highly Commended nominee Ernst Jan Zantingh - Founder and Creative Managing Director ZANTOS Interiors & Exteriors.
The 2017 RBC Business Person of the Year Awards
Awards Ceremony
The 2017 Edition of the RBC Business Person of the Year Awards was held on Friday the 1st of December.
This year the event was hosted and co-sponsored by the leading business school in France - Edhec Business School at their Nice campus with the support of and participation of the CCI - Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Nice Côte d'Azur
It was a great evening attended by a large and representative gathering of members of the Riviera Business Club, their guests and leading entreprenuers in the PACA region.
The evening started with a Champagne Cocktail followed by the Award Ceremony and culminated with a Gala Dinner which was enjoyed by all.
The evening was hosted by two of the Riviera's most dynamic and respected journalists & broadcasters Mark Dezzani and Sarah Lycett.

The RBC Business Awards are presented each year with the support and participation of the CCI - Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Nice Côte d'Azur and is co-sponsored by The Riviera Insider, Tribune Bulletin Côte d'Azur, Ramel Communications and with ANDYANA as our trophy sponsor for the second year in succession.
The Members of the Jury
The Riviera Business Club warmly thanks all those who contributed towards making this year's event a great success. A special word of thanks to Dorothy Foster the Chairperson and Elodie Carsalade (CCI) Petra Hall (Insider) & Barbara Wilson who formed the 2017 Jury for their hard work behind the scenes in selecting the winners this year